Sage’s Substack
The Nomadic Spirit
Meet Your Akron Neighbor: Jay - Full Interview

Meet Your Akron Neighbor: Jay - Full Interview

Jay is the living definition of being institutionalized in the American prison system.

Episode 123 of the Sage Against The Machine Podcast

I am going to attempt to put it these interviews up every Monday morning. Jay tells the brutal story of being institutionalized in America. He shows very clearly how keeping him locked up is incentivized for all of society. There is no incentive for society to help Jay get a place to live and get a job.

Jay is much more valuable to the system being incarcerated. He becomes a paycheck for everyone as an inmate. He becomes a check mark in the win column of “being tough on crime.” There is no metric the rewards society for keeping Jay out of prison. Recidivism puts all the blame on Jay and never looks at a system that wants to do everything in its power to get Jay back behind bars.

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Here is the interview on YouTube:

Sage’s Substack
The Nomadic Spirit
I am attempting to move away from all the anger and hate I have for the systems of our world and try to find the peace, union and love of the universe. That's the plan anyway.